Daniel Day-Lewis is not some lonely, strange figure going about an unholy business

Everyone seemed to enjoy those photos of Daniel Day Lewis last week, so lets try to do it again! These are some assorted photos of DDL in Italy, Paris and Dublin, Ireland over the past four days or so. Much has been made of Daniels performance in Lincoln and whether or not hell win his

Everyone seemed to enjoy those photos of Daniel Day Lewis last week, so let’s try to do it again! These are some assorted photos of DDL in Italy, Paris and Dublin, Ireland over the past four days or so. Much has been made of Daniel’s performance in Lincoln and whether or not he’ll win his third Oscar for the role, but I think it’s interesting that DDL seems to be okay with campaigning for the Oscar this time around. I guess he campaigned in 2008 as well? That was when he won for There Will Be Blood. I kind of like DDL’s style of Oscar campaigning – he’s not getting in people’s faces, he’s not doing 20 million interviews, but he’s being low-key and gentlemanly and shaking everybody’s hand. I wonder… is his campaign different because he’s a man? Or is it different because he’s Daniel Day Lewis?

I wouldn’t hate it if Daniel won his third Oscar for Lincoln – I saw the movie, and at various times, it truly felt like I was watching archival footage of Abraham Lincoln. It’s Daniel’s award to lose, I think, but I would love it if Hugh Jackman won. I think Hugh is Daniel’s only real competition (sorry Bradley Cooper). Anyway, speaking of Oscar campaigns and the like, Daniel wants us to know that he’s ONE OF US. He says he doesn’t mean to come off as mysterious or anything. He’s just a normal guy!

Daniel Day-Lewis had no intention to create an ”air of mystery” surrounding him. The 55-year-old actor is known for his extreme mental and physical preparation for each film he stars in and while he has been labeled as secretive, The ‘Lincoln’ star insists the reason he focuses so much on every role is because he finds embodying a new character a ”huge pleasure of discovery”.

He explained: ”I didn’t go looking for that [mystery tag], it was not my intention to create a specious air of mystery about what I do. But what’s misrepresented is the fact I take a long time [preparing for each character] because I enjoy the work and it pleases me to take time over it.”

”It’s pure joy. It’s a huge pleasure in discovery. It’s a game, and I’ve never thought to obscure that fact. But that image persists of some sort of lonely, strange figure going about an unholy business.”

Daniel has sworn never to reveal his training secrets but he worries people’s gossip will turn the reliable methods into something resembling a ”Satanic ritual”, rather than appreciating his hard work.

He added to Time Out magazine: ”I’ve been reluctant to talk about how I work because I don’t feel one should talk about it. But the problem is a lot of other people then talk about it and by a process of Chinese whispers it sounds like some strange Satanic ritual is taking place, with the whole thing about immersion and the method and the weight of those terms.”

[From Contact Music]

GAH, I love the way he speaks. Like, I adore his turn of phrase – “that image persists of some sort of lonely, strange figure going about an unholy business” is a good turn of phrase. As is “create a specious air of mystery.” Daniel might lose the Oscar, but he’s won something more important: my biscuit.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

